Literature Subject Chapter

The Literature Subject Chapter (LSC) was formed in 2021. The LSC comprises eight Teacher Leaders (TLs) of Literature from the four zones. The objectives of the LSC are for the TLs to:
grow their own and other TLs’/teachers’ pedagogical competencies and leadership for the teaching, learning and assessment of Literature;
collaborate and promote the collaboration of other TLs/teachers in Networked Learning Communities (NLCs) in order to learn and critically inquire into ways of effectively supporting students in the teaching, learning and assessment of Literature; and
co-build a teacher-led culture of professionalism to lead other TLs/teachers in NLCs in the teaching, learning and assessment of Literature.
The TLs are supported by a Principal Master Teacher and a Master Teacher from ELIS and two Knowledgeable Others – a Senior Specialist from the Ministry of Education’s Curriculum Planning and Development Division and an Associate Professor from the National Institute of Education.