Classroom Inquiry: Supporting Students with Mixed–case Letter Identification Difficulty

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In this episode, English Language Senior Teacher Mr David Ng from Edgefield Primary School talks to Dr Alison Tan, Lead Specialist/EL, about his classroom inquiry project which addressed mixed-case letter identification difficulty among his lower primary students.
David attended ELIS’s Classroom Inquiry for EL and Literature Teachers course in 2023. David and his team also presented their study at the SIG’s Year-end Celebrating Learning Session on 15 November, 2023.
Topic |
Further Reading |
Scaffolding student learning |
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. |
The importance of handwriting instruction |
James, K. H. (2017). The importance of handwriting experience on the development of the literate brain. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26(6), 502-508.
Morgan, C., Moon, G., Stephens, T. L., & Gardner, R. L. (2021). Understanding the importance of handwriting instruction: Implications on student cognitive and academic development. Dialog: Journal of the Texas Educational Diagnosticians Association, 50(1).
Limpo, T., & Graham, S. (2020). The role of handwriting instruction in writers’ education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 68(3), 311-329. |