Inquiry Through Dialogue in Teaching Reading and Viewing

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The podcast episodes in the area of Inquiry through Dialogue (ItD) offer a range of perspectives on why ItD is important for student learning, what ItD looks like in enactment, and how it can be enacted in classrooms.
In this episode, we feature Peter Chutatape, a Lead Teacher of EL at the primary level, and Felicia Ng, who teaches EL at the secondary level. They are educators who share a deep belief in the value of ItD in the teaching of reading and viewing. Peter and Felicia speak with Cedric, Principal Master Teacher, about how ItD can support the teaching of reading and viewing and how they design and enact dialogic talk in lessons to teach reading and viewing.
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Exploratory Talk
Use of Dialogic Talk in Teaching Reading and Viewing
Episode published 15 January 2024