Mr Charles Peters

Mr Charles Peters
Master Teacher/ELWith 15 years in schools, both primary and secondary, Charles served as EL teacher and EL head in both. Before ELIS, Charles was Lead Specialist and Assistant Director in the English Language and Literature Branch (ELLB) in MOE HQ, He was a member of the pioneering team for the STELLAR programme and, as Assistant Director, was actively involved in the systematic scaling up of the programme for all primary schools. As Lead Specialist, he worked on the full-term review of the EL Syllabus 2010 and contributed to the development of EL Syllabus 2020 and STELLAR 2.0. Having an interest in multiliteracies and oracy, he partnered with schools, MOE specialists, and NIE researchers, to build understandings that inform teaching and learning practices. Now in ELIS, Charles works closely with EL teacher leaders and EL teachers. He is involved in professional learning programmes aimed at strengthening teaching approaches that promote student inquiry and language learning with an emphasis on multiliteracies. He hopes to help teachers realise the aims of the EL syllabus when they teach and make the learning come alive for the young minds under their charge.